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/ Fonts Icons & Screensavers / Fonts Icons & Screensavers - Bart Smit 1998.iso / BFNTICSS / FONTS / TTF_C / CARTON01.TTF (.png) < prev    next >
TrueType Font  |  1996-03-25  |  48KB
Labels: bag | barrier reef | bulletin board | dirt track | earth | grass | person | reckoner | sky | vegetarianism
OCR: abcdef ghijk/mno pqrstuvwxyz ABCDE FGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUUWXYZ 0123456789 !$s The quick jumps over the lazy dog, The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog, The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog, The quick brown fox jumps over The quick brown fox jumps 09 The quick brown 0 The quick aver browr